ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos

ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos

40619 Visitors:
Address: Parodos Thermopilon 5
Area: Patras
Telephone: 6975907142
Mobile: -
P.C.: 26441
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The company Achaia Post is based in Diakofto Achaia and undertakes the distribution of brochures and promotions to advertise your business.   We undertake the distribution of leaflets in mailboxes of apartment buildings and detached houses, the door-to-door distribution in apartments within an apartment building, the distribution in fixed points (central squares, main streets), the distribution in schools and kindergartens, the distribution in car windshield and car distribution, of...
40619 Visitors:

Parodos Thermopilon 5, Patras

40619 Visitors:

The company Achaia Post is based in Diakofto Achaia and undertakes the distribution of brochures and promotions to advertise your business.


We undertake the distribution of leaflets in mailboxes of apartment buildings and detached houses, the door-to-door distribution in apartments within an apartment building, the distribution in fixed points (central squares, main streets), the distribution in schools and kindergartens, the distribution in car windshield and car distribution, offices and business premises.




ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos distribution of booklets in mailboxes
ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos door to door distribution
ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos distribution at fixed points
ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos distribution in schools
ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos distribution on windshield
ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos distribution to businesses
ACHAIA POST | Distribution of Brochures & Samples Patra - Zampaklis I. Nikolaos distribution in offices
40619 Visitors:

Parodos Thermopilon 5

Telephone: 6975907142

Working Hours
